Deleting listener service using command line in Windows

For deleting listener, remote oracle dba is using oracle's default GUI tools. We can delete listener using Net Manager or Net Configuration Assistant. It is very easy to manage listener utility using said GUI tools of Oracle.

Problem: How to delete listener on Windows Manually:

Sometimes we are not using GUI tools in remote Oracle dba support due to bandwidth problem or security related risks. Managing listener utilities in unix environment is easy to use command line. But it is not easy to manage listener utility in windows without GUI tools of Oracle. Windows always maintains own registry. During creation of new listener windows always insert some entries in registry. In delete operation of listener using Net Manager or Net Configuration Assistant GUI tools, respective entries will be deleted from registry. Windows maintains this task automatically.

  • If Oracle de-installed from system.
  • If we are using remote access of windows system with low bandwidth.
  • If any type of java or other error Oracle dba is unable to open gui tools.

Reason of problem:

It means during some situations, it is very difficult to get access of net manager or network configuration assistant tools and we need to delete existing listener. If we delete entries of that listener from listener.ora windows doesn?t give guarantee to delete entries from registry. Thus we should need to delete listener entries from registry manually. It is not safer way (system may be unstable if problem occured). Due to this reason service of deleted listener still exists in Oracle Database server. In short Remote Oracle DBA is unable to create new listener with same name.

How can we avoid this problem during remote oracle dba work? Every remote Oracle dba support provider asks ?can we have any solution to get rid of this problem?

If answer is "Yes". We have solution to delete entry of listener in service windows and registry of windows. Just very simple.

Solution: How to delete listener service manually using command line in Windows:

sc command in windows

Use command "sc" in command line of windows. SC is a command line program used for communicating with Windows Service Controller and services. Using "sc" command we can manage windows services like start, stop, modify and delete. Check following example of "sc" command.

Delete listener service using SC command from windows registry:

For an example if we have listener named listener1 in our windows server. Service name of OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListenerListener1. Then we can execute command delete with "sc" command as follows. This command will delete existing listener named "listener1" from Service Controller and registry of Windows.

Means using command "sc" command we can delete listener service from windows service controller and registry. It is also safer way to delete listener service using command line "sc" program. It is very usefull command option when we are not using GUI tools or absent of Oracle software. Command is "sc delete service name of listener" in cmd or command of windows box.

Don't delete listener using registry manually and use command line option in windows!!!

delete listener manually

Hence, using command "sc" command we can delete listener service from windows service controller and registry. It is also safer way to delete listener service using command line "sc" program. It is very usefull command option when we are not using GUI tools or absent of Oracle software. Command is "sc delete service name of listener" in cmd or command of windows box.

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